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Friday, August 11, 2006

Princess Diaries 6

Princess Diaries 6 by Meg Cabot
There are soo many of these books, that by this point I don't even say their names, just "PD 1/2/3/4/5/6". Now, I loved these books when I first read them, because it was the first time there was a vegetarian heroine. But now...Well, I still love Ms. Cabots' books, but they're not at te top of my list. Personally, I use them as literary spas, to relax. I love literary spas!
In the latest installments of Mia's adventures, she's started the 10th grade, and is mourning the loss of seeing her boyfriend, Michael everyday. God, I WISH she'd stop going on about Michael, he's getting slightly boring by this point. Anyway, it turns out that is the least of her problems, as she's dumped a load of snails in the ocean, she's freaking out about what her boyfriend may or may not want to do, coping with Lily's and Grandmere's weird plan, and trying to fend off Lana, evil cheerleader. What's a princess to do?
This is slightly lacking on the plot front, as the past 3 books have featured Mia freaking out about her boyfriend, which gets kind of boring after a while. However, this book is quite entertaining, if you're looking to spend an afternoon relaxing when there's only reality TV on.


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Amy Green. said...

Yeah, after the 3rd, there was a definite backslide. Love the blog, btw.

At 2:11 AM, Blogger FashionWhore said...

Thanks. Your blog is cool, too. But, put the comments on so I can comment, OK?


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