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Sunday, October 01, 2006


Yoss by Odo Hirsch
This book was OK. Yesterday my attention kept on wavering from it, but that might be because I'm ill, not because the book was bad. There wasn't really anything to grap my attention, though...I mean, the characters were kind of stupid. There was stuff I wasn't expecting, but I wasn't like "OMG!! I never knew that would happen!", because I really didn't care what would happen to stupid Yoss. And the ending kind of annoyed me for some reason.
So the story is that in this village, for a boy to become a man, he must spend a night in the mountains. This comes from some stupid tradition that came about from when guys had to go into the town to acquire new skills, and they'd come back and help the village. So, yadda yadda yadda, Yoss, idiot that he is, actually goes out into the wild world even though it's just some stupid symbol. And, of course, he gets into all sorts of trouble ALL OF HIS OWN FAULT. Didn't really like it.