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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Many Stones

Many Stones by Caroline Noman
Ugh. This book is so worthy. I really hate worthy books. I mean, in the space of seven days she forgives everyone who’s done something bad to her. Puh-lease! I still haven’t forgiven that girl who stole my cherry when I was two, and I’m supposed to believe this girl forgives all the wrongs of the world? Sure.
So, Berry is this total freak who’s sister dies, and she puts stones on top of her to stop her "floating away". Right. As I said, she’s a freak. A total and utter freak. So, then she goes to a memorial service for her sister with her dad. (One of those people she forgives.) The service is in South Africa, and she meets all sorts of people. Whom she thinks what the author thinks are "profound thoughts". In fact, it’s just really boring. If you want to be bored to death, this is the book for you!!


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