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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The V Club

The V Club by Kate Brian
This may be one of the worst books I've ever read. It's got a really bad writing style, no plot whatsoever, is full of fluff, and is just downright stupid. In other words, I hate it.
So, when details of a mysterious new scholarship arise, everyone's interested. But, there's a condition: the winner must be of absolute purity of mind and sprit.
Which everyone takes to mean no hanky-panky.
So, will the new girl, the biggest slut in school, the girl who's never been kissed, the rich girl and the other girls prove themselves to be "pure"?
They're not sure. So, they set up "The Virgin Club". (It reminds me of that movie, what's it called? The Virgin Suicides? I've never seen it, but it sounds like the same title. Whatever.)
Is this book supposed to be contraversial? A light read? About love? Isn't doing any of the above. It's too full of stupid details (like: "Debbie took out a silver tube of Clinque lipgloss, applying a immaculate shade of Black Honey." Who CARES?!) to be contraversial. To boring to be a light read. And espite the authors efforts, this isn't some sort of bizarre romance. My advice? Don't read it.


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